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Home Blog Scaling Australia’s Largest SEO Agency – Harry Sander’s Story

EP#56 – Scaling Australia’s Largest SEO Agency – Harry Sander’s Story

By Claire Wescombe | Blog, Podcast, Real Talk With Outperformers, The Outperformer, Brad Eisenhuth, SEO, MARKETING | 11 Mar 2024 |
On this episode of Real Talk With Outperformers, Brad welcomes Harry Sanders. Harry is the founder and director of StudioHawk, the largest dedicated SEO agency in Australia. Harry started from humble beginnings, having a rough upbringing and entrance into adulthood – but through dedication and perseverance, he entered into the world of business and marketing – and StudioHawk now is international across Australia and the UK, with over 50 staff.

Resilience and growth from adversity.

Harry and Brad initially discussed Harry’s story of resilience and growth from adversity. At a young age, he found himself homeless after being kicked out by his father, who saw his situation as a rite of passage. Despite feeling lost and abandoned, Harry did not give up. Instead, he embarked on a journey that involved couch surfing, staying at homeless camps, and navigating through challenging scenarios to survive.

Throughout his experience, Harry felt anger, betrayal, and a sense of being unwanted. These emotions fueled his determination to prove himself and create a better future for himself. Despite facing setbacks and obstacles, Harry never lost sight of his goals and continued to push forward. This resilience and determination ultimately led him to success in business and personal growth.

Over the years, Harry has transformed from a young man struggling to survive on the streets to a successful entrepreneur with a strong network of friends and relationships. He has used his past experiences as fuel to drive him towards success and make a positive impact in the world. Harry's ability to turn adversity into opportunity showcases the power of resilience and growth in overcoming challenges and achieving one's dreams.

Harry’s Journey to SEO

Harry and Brad look back on the evolution of his personal and professional growth, highlighting the transformation from a young introverted individual with a big ego to a more authentic and humble entrepreneur. He reflects on the early humbling experiences that shaped his character and led him to become the successful business owner he is today

One of the key ingredients that Harry attributes to the success of his SEO agency, StudioHawk, is the hyper-focus on SEO specialization. Unlike other digital marketing companies that offer a range of services such as paid ads, websites, and SEO, StudioHawk solely focuses on SEO. This singular focus allows them to excel in providing top-notch SEO services to their clients, positioning them as the go-to experts in the industry.

By dedicating all their resources and efforts to mastering SEO, StudioHawk has been able to build a strong reputation and attract high-profile clients both locally and globally.

Embrace your quirks, take risks.

Embracing your quirks and taking risks are essential components of the entrepreneurial journey. As highlighted in the podcast, successful entrepreneurs are often described as a bit weird, out of whack, or quirky. This uniqueness is what sets them apart and allows them to see problems from a different perspective. Instead of conforming to traditional norms, they embrace their individuality and use it to fuel their creativity and innovation.

Taking risks is another key aspect of being an entrepreneur. It requires stepping out of your comfort zone, challenging the status quo, and being willing to fail in order to succeed. As mentioned in the transcript, many people have great ideas but lack the courage or risk tolerance to act on them. Successful entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are not afraid to take calculated risks and pursue their visions with determination and perseverance.

Leverage growth in global markets.

Harry and Brad’s conversation highlights the importance of leveraging growth opportunities in international markets to scale a business and reach new levels of success.

One key takeaway from the discussion is the realization that the Australian market, while significant, is relatively small compared to global markets such as the UK and the US. Harry emphasizes the need to look beyond the confines of one's own country and explore opportunities in larger markets where there is greater demand and willingness to pay for services.

As Harry speaks about his goal to conquer the US, he shares insights into the challenges and opportunities of expanding into the UK and the US. They mention the lower labor costs and higher willingness to pay in the UK, which allowed for successful growth and scaling of the business. In contrast, the US market is highlighted as being even larger and more lucrative, offering significant growth potential for the business.



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